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The conductivity module (item no.1003)

Just as all the other models are, the coductivity module is suitable for both freshwater and seawater aquariums. In freshwater aquariums, the conductivity is displayed in µS/cm. In the case of seawater aquariums you can choose between having the conductivity displayed in mS/cm, the salt content or the density! All measurements are relative to a reference temperature of 25°C. In the section Tips and Tricks, you will find a table for the conversion of conductivity into salt content and density.



  For example, if conductivity is falling you can add salt-water, and if it is increasing then distilled water or      osmosis water.

Technical data

  A high-quality, low-maintenance sensor comprising 4 platinum electrodes
  4-conductor method for greatest precision
  Measuring range I from 10 µS to 1 mS, resolution 1 µS, switch hysteresis 10 µS
  Measuring range II from 1 mS to 100 mS, resolution 0.1 mS, switch hsteresis 0.2 mS
  Automatisc or manual temperature compensation
  Automatic calibration with sensor test
  Up to eight control process can be programmed
  Upper and lower alarm settings
  1mS und 50 mS calibration solutions included in the set



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